Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I stopped by again on the way back from my trip to Mt. Fellows, this time with the truck.  I loaded some of the birch from a pile, as much as the little truck could handle.  There is only a spot of snow near the canopy.

The family over on lot #8 were very busy, and they have completed a tool shed and have begun framing up a small cabin which is set back in the trees, very low impact on the clearing.  It is Mike and his wife (name?) and about 3 year old boy, Mike's dad and his brother and a nephew.  Robbie and Willie were also there.  They are all very nice.  Willie had brought over a bunch of toy excavation equipment and cars for the little guy.  That group will be on site for a full week, and will be there when we go over for Memorial Day.  I invited the mom to use our "facilities" when needed, and she really appreciated the offer.

Robbie had the small, rubber-track excavator there which he had used to dig some small holes on lot #8, including their outhouse hole.  The unit is just about three feet wide and Robbie says it can dig down about three feet as well.  This would probably work great for coming onto our cabin site from the driveway or from a narrow utilidor along the back side and digging some post holes.  We might have to finish them, but this Kubota can get most of them.

I also got a photo of Robbie's new Cat, which has all the latest gadgets, including rear-view camera, automatic oiler, and a side-tilting bucket (so he can clear the sloped sides of a ditch without tilting the main unit).  Here they are together.

Robbie did say that there is very little of the F-1 gravel left.  If we are going to get some more for our trails, we should do that right away.

I stopped by the Holler on the way to the Seven Summits show, and was very pleased to find the driveway clear of snow!  There was just a bit left down in the parking area.
I also ran into Robbie Davidson, who was just completing the gravel cover for the new, short, driveway onto lot #8, off of Mathison.  He has a new Cat excavator which he purchased this time, instead of renting.  It's a beauty.  We had a fun chat, about Mexico, Hope Point, skiing, our plans for the summer.  I asked Robbie to keep an eye out in case he spots a travel trailer in Hope that might work for us.