Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Firewood Trip

Nick and Harold drove up to get a load of firewood off the utility easement.  Made two trips up the hill, so as to not overload the Ranger on the climb.  Got some of that cluster cleared out in the back corner, there still remains a load or two there.  The trees and leaves look beautiful.  When we were loaded for the return, we went out to the bench for a bit.  The wind was from the north, first time for that.  It was real nice.  We cleaned up the firepit in the cul-de-sac again.  This time it was from the Rothenbergers; they camped there last weekend.

There was a small excavator (Mel’s) parked on lot 9 (Brendan’s), but no one was around.  It looks like they have hauled in gravel to cover nearly the entire loop drive he had cleared.  We noticed that there is no culvert in the road ditch; probably waiting until they are done hauling gravel, so as to not crush the pipe. (He still has not closed on the lot..)

We met Michael Holstein at lot 4; they are the folks with the small shed back in the trees.  Still no driveway.  He is a nice guy, grew up in Kodiak, is a massage therapist, his wife sells skin products.  He said they are usually down from Anchorage every Saturday, stay until Tuesday.  Michael said he really likes our driveway cut design, loves our lot, and thinks we got it for a great price.  He has a tent platform and wall tent, hopes to have a driveway and outhouse in this year (sound familiar?).  I think they will be fine neighbors.

There is a fine driveway in on lot 3; Michael said Mel put it in, and that the culvert came last, after the hauling.

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