Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Finishing up the Color Painting

Sue finished up all the color spraying, and the white on the louvers.  The rainbow shingles and louvers look great.  Harold got the louver screen frames done, and installed the window stops and trim for the rear louver.  The louvers and door will be removed for the move to Hope.  He also built up the lower section of the door, which is fir boards glued and screwed to a piece of ⅝” AWW ply, in the same pattern as above the door.  Nick suggested that the screen for the rear louver window be installed on the outside, in order to simplify access to the louver adjustment rod, and that will help a lot.  The screen on the door louver will be on the inside, which will work well and will let the beautiful colors show from the front of the unit.  Jonas was great and stayed out of trouble while Sue was busy painting and Harold was running the table saw.

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