Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Driveway as an Advertisement

Talked to Robbie on the phone.  He hopes to get more done in a few days, if the rain lets up.  He said there will not be enough gravel from the pit area, and he will definitely have to haul loads in.  He said the steep part will still be rough, but he will make it passable, until we can afford more work.  That’s what we ordered.

He did say three things which were encouraging:  he will be done before Labor Day; he wants our driveway to be seen as an example of his work, as advertising for more driveways in the area; and he said that we will get a “good price”, which should help us speak well of his efforts.  Can’t argue with those concepts!

I told him we will be in Hope for Jonas’ birthday party tomorrow, which he thought was great, and that we might see him then.

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